Archives: Services

Walk Only In Love

 We take our title from a line in this morning’s story, Let the Children March, by Monica Clark-Robinson. Our January multigenerational service invites everyone to hear about the very first march on Washington, DC, draws us into the lessons of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and invites us into some art/poster making where … Continue reading Walk Only In Love

A Story About Friendshp

Returning to our pulpit with a second reading from her book, long-time educator, author, and First Parish member Dorothy May will share her story about the value of friendship especially when they are a little complicated and dramatic. We will explore how story-telling can help us explore the complexities of human connection.

Ringing in the New Year

Everyone is requested to bring a reading, quote, poem, song, story, passage, painting, or photo that offers hope, inspiration, or fulfillment in their life and that they wish to share with the community. 

Christmas Pageant

It’s that time again! Join us for our annual No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant. Members and friends of all ages are invited to come join us in building the Christmas Story through song and story. Our costumes are ready to go, but you can also join us in costume for any role you hope to play! Want to … Continue reading Christmas Pageant


Advent is a season of anticipation, looking forward to the promise of Christmas. Our Soul Matters theme of presence can seem to be antithetical to anticipation. We can box ourselves into thinking we can be either anticipatory or present. In this service, we use the story of Advent to help us explore how we can … Continue reading Anticipation

Rest In Me

This December, our Soul Matters theme is Presence. November was a full, difficult month for many of us, and as we look ahead to this last month of 2024, we start by doing the work of being present with ourselves. This service will focus on tools and lessons that ground us, bring us into presence … Continue reading Rest In Me


Long-time educator, author, and First Parish member Dorothy May will share her story about school children who work together to repair in a time of struggle. We’ll explore how learning communities become a safe space for repair when worth and dignity are revered.


We’re trying out a new multigenerational format! In this exciting new service, Rose and Rev. Elizabeth lead you through a service that engages congregational participation throughout our time together, drawing on all our collective voices to create worship for our whole community. The core of our service will engage the theme of choosing kindness, with … Continue reading CHOOSING KINDNESS