Rev. Elizabeth Assenza, Minister

minister [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org

(978) 922-3968

Rev. Elizabeth Assenza joined First Parish Church in Beverly, Massachusetts in August 2023. She has served Unitarian Universalist congregations and in hospice chaplaincy in Eastern Massachusetts since 2017 and she is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary. Read more about her here.

Rose Sheehan, Acting Director of Religious Education

religioused [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org

(978) 922-3968

Rose Sheehan leads First Parish’s Religious Education program, including New England’s first known Sunday School. Tailored to each age and grade-level, the program emphasizes trust, caring, self-identity, and connectedness to all life.

Nancy Siegel, Church Administrator

office [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org

(978) 922-3968

Nancy Siegel joined our staff in April 2024. In addition to general administrative functions, Nancy provides support to various leaders and committees. She helps to maintain the database, update the website, oversee the maintenance of the office equipment and supplies, and puts together our weekly order of service and email newsletter.

Music Director

First Parish has hired and will be announcing its new music director soon!

music [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org

(978) 922-3968

Michael Donegan, Sexton

Michael Donegan is the sexton of First Parish, maintaining the cleanliness of our facilities.

Gina Coburn, Treasurer

Gina Coburn is First Parish’s treasurer. She works with the Church Finance Committee, Board, and Council to produce a balanced annual budget. She also sends out regular pledge statements to members and friends.

treasurer [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org