Student and volunteer with ASAPROSARThe Asociación Salvadoreña Pro-Salud Rurual (Salvadoran Association for Rural Health), or ASAPROSAR, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the neediest families in El Salvador.

ASAPROSAR empowers the poor through health care, youth leadership training, environmental and nutritional education, micro-credit, and community development. Priority is given to children, youth and women in rural and marginalized urban settings.

First Parish Church members visit and serve for a week each year, often in February. The approximate cost of the trip is $2,200. You can learn more at

We are beginning exploration of our next trip. Interested in joining us? Look for more information in our Friday Newsletter or contact the church office: office [at] firstparishbeverly [dot] org.

View photos from a past First Parish Asaprosar trip in this slideshow: