Archives: Services

We’re Gonna Need the Whole Boat

As we continue this year’s generosity campaign, “Filling Our Sails,” we explore financial giving and our UU values, with stories from Rev. Elizabeth’s sailing days and with an approach that leaves behind a scarcity mindset and looks at all we can do in community.

The Loneliness Antidote

We have a guest in our pulpit this week! Come join in familiar songs, a story, and a message about how we can respond to loneliness. This opportunity to hear from an unfamiliar voice is always a gift to the congregation. Rev. Elizabeth is so excited to welcome a colleague to our church and give … Continue reading The Loneliness Antidote

Getting Uncomfortable: The Message of Liberation Theology in UU Community

This Sunday we do some of the difficult work of learning about messages of justice and our responsibility from our collective place of relative privilege. Liberation theologies exist to hold and be a message of hope for specific communities that have experienced marginalization or oppression. Unitarian Universalism has, for the most part, been a faith … Continue reading Getting Uncomfortable: The Message of Liberation Theology in UU Community

Getting Uncomfortable: The Message of Liberation Theology in UU Community

This Sunday we do some of the difficult work of learning about messages of justice and our responsibility from our collective place of relative privilege. Liberation theologies exist to hold and be a message of hope for specific commiunities that have experienced marginalization or oppression. Unitarian Universalism has, for the most part, been a faith … Continue reading Getting Uncomfortable: The Message of Liberation Theology in UU Community

“A Listening Heart”

A sermon by Rev. Amy Russell “Learning how to listen is learning how to love.  What a wonderful idea.  That if we learned how to listen without an agenda, without preparing ourselves for our response back, without judgment, we could love better.  How many times in our families do we really do this?  Sit down … Continue reading “A Listening Heart”