Speaker: Rev. Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson

“Turning Towards Gratitude”

Our annual Thanksgiving service is a multi-generational time for sharing in gratitude, as we offer our thanks for the many gifts of our lives. Our annual Harvest Communion will also be observed at this service. Please join us to share in the thanksgiving and celebration.

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry State”

There exists a popular understanding of God as a being who watches all and judges all harshly – threatening terrible punishment in order to coerce good behavior. Ours is only one of many religious traditions devoted to opposing this image of the Divine, answering it with universal love. In an era in which video surveillance … Continue reading “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry State”

Immigration Sunday

Please join Rev. Kelly and the Social Action Committee for a service dedicated to discussing issues related to immigration. Listen to two women who have made the journey to the US and learn how we each can become involved on the local and state levels.

“Believing is Seeing”

Our faith as Unitarian Universalists calls us to seek the truth – but the truth we find in the world is often shaped by the assumptions and expectations we bring to that search. Join us for a service about clearing away the grime that obscures the mirror of the world.